
What We Want to Change

"Culture" can be defined as what is socially accepted within a group of people or an ecosystem. Having said that, it is clear that what has become socially acceptable on BNB Chain cannot be tolerated any longer. An environment that once allowed a community to prosper has now become a breeding ground for corruption, deceit, theft, and evil. This must change, and is the very principle that CryptoMoonShot is founded upon.

Fixing the Root Cause

Our community's objective is to unify the fragmentation of like-minded people across the space. By joining hands and working together, we can strive towards bringing opportunity back into the hands of the people, as opposed to the select few that have been taking advantage of the greater group. For those experienced in this space, we must act as leaders and force change, but we must also welcome new members with the support needed.

Providing Safe Travel

An extension of our primary objective is to educate and promote the best practices in this space, to provide new members of the community the guidance and support needed to be successful. We have an obligation to do our best to create an ecosystem that is safe, transparent, and free of the scams and the unethical behaviour that runs rampant. CryptoMoonShot should be that safe haven for those learning about the cryptocurrency markets, the technology behind it, and how the ecosystem functions.

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